beBELMONT Animated Infographic Design Launches
Statistics can be fun. I swear. Infographics are a very popular way to make data presentation a little more palatable for the casual fan. Belmont University has done some really great things in Nashville, TN over the last decade in terms of land and property development, job creation, and community service. Nashville Interactive was contracted… Read More »
Teach Them Well – School Volunteers Website Launches
The children are our future. Teach them well and let them… benefit from your volunteer activities. Nashville Interactive recently designed and performed a large portion of the front-end build for the newly launched schoolvolunteers.org. The site is a tool used by volunteers and coordinators to log and track hours as well as for posting and… Read More »
Building an Online Presence – Part 1: The Website
What does it mean to have a good online presence or “web presence”? It means having a firm grasp of how your target demographic uses the web. It means taking that knowledge and putting it to work in your favor by utilizing the tons of online resources that are available to you. Recognizing which of… Read More »
SpenshaOnline.com Launches
This past weekend, Nashville Interactive launched SpenshaOnline.com; the online home of inspirational musical artist Spensha Baker. The website design and development was handled completely by Nashville Interactive and involved an open source content management system for flexibility.